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Membership is free - just enter your name and email address to receive updates on all the exciting happenings at Mighty Aphrodite with exclusive discounts on the price of our shoots or free extra products available throughout the year. By registering you will also gain exclusive access to our "Confidential Collection" - a gallery of images too erotic for our main Gallery pages.
You have the option to receive our Newsletters (you won't be bombarded - we only send out one or two each month) which will alert you when we release new videos and pictures, new Clients' Stories and Special Offers. This is the only place you will find special offers and discounts on Mighty Aphrodite Photoshoots. We NEVER use sites like Groupon - we value our service and our clients too much to appear on those kind of sites!
And we promise we won't share or sell your details to anyone else and you can unsubscribe at any time.
So what are you waiting for? Enter your details to join M.A. Confidential - the exclusive Club for Boudoir connoisseurs. Please sign up with a REAL email address as you will be emailed the secret key to gain access to M.A. Confidential...enjoy!